APIs and UX: A Minor Rant

Jon Arnold
2 min readMay 18, 2015

First off… this is so not a big deal. But, here goes.

Google deprecated an old YouTube API, which means my Apple TV doesn’t have a YouTube app on it anymore. They gave sufficient notice (see above)… did everyone but me heed this warning? It only showed up as a video to watch inside the YouTube app, which I, of course, ignored.

This change basically makes my $99 magical TV box — which, despite some rev changes, is pretty much the same as the one still being sold in Apple stores — worse.

Google’s product in this case is the API itself, which is screwing over Apple and anyone else with outdated but still usable hardware that relied on the API to get access to their video content. From a UX perspective, this is a big wet noodle for users: the YouTube app is just missing from my grid of Apple TV apps. My Apple TV simply no longer has a way to get to YouTube without another iOS as a dedicated AirPlayer.

Now there are rumors that WWDC will mark a new Apple TV launch. Ok fine, it’s more than a rumor:

Does that shape in the epicenter look familiar?

I’m probably going to buy whatever this thing is (some combo HomeKit / home entertainment setup, I’m guessing). But, what stinks is, I’m in this limbo where I easily can’t access a major video streaming property until I upgrade my hardware. …and I shouldn’t upgrade until I find out what’s in that epicenter.

First World Problems™.



Jon Arnold

I facilitate product teams towards better outcomes. I care about productivity, process, usability, personal growth, music and games. come nerd with me.